Custom Balloon Cups (PFTHOMPAIR23)


Please make your selection carefully.

There are several versions of the custom balloon cup.  They all have the balloonist prayer on the cup. You may order in many quantities.  It is possible that the cup version or quantity you wish to have is sold out.  See if there may be a smaller quantity of that cup in stock.  Order plenty so you have a good stock of them.  You may order in (Full Case, Half Case, Quarter Case, Fifth Case and even a Tenth of a Case).  Once you are sure you have selected the Custom Balloon Cup version you would like and you have selected the amount of cups you would like put them in your cart and head to checkout.  Please keep in mind that some of the new custom cups are still being produced and we do not have them in stock yet.  Those can be back ordered and as soon as they arrive we will get them on the way to you.  Please look at all the variations before making your choice.  THANK YOU.

Fly well, Have FUN & BE SAFE.

SKU: N/A Category:


Balloonist have for years used a 10 oz plastic cup for their after-flight Champagne Ceremony.  This plastic cup is reusable, dishwasher safe, and if your passenger wants to keep it, the cup can be used as a souvenir.  To place an

The new THOMPAIR23 cup

order please select the amount you wish to purchase.  You will be given a few shipping options. We have used these cups for more than 10 years and our customers love them.

Ordering options are as follows.

  • Full Case (20 sleeves = 500 cups)
  • Half Case (10 sleeves = 250 cups)
  • 1/4 Case (5 sleeves = 125 cups)
  • 1/5 Case (4 sleeves = 100 cups)
  • 1/10 Case (2 sleeves = 50 cups)

Thank you for all you do for the Balloon World.
